
Data Driven Natural Resources Management

Assessing and Addressing stakeholder needs when implementing machine learning in natural resources management.

Machine Learning Applications in Hydrology

Used machine learning models for streamflow prediction applications.

Climate Risk Assessment in Western North Carolina

Integrating hydrology model outputs and demographics data to aid risk assessment and climate change adaptation efforts in North Carolina.

Phosphorus Cycling in Stream Biofilms

Lab study measuring the impact of alternating anaerobic/aerobic conditions on stream biofilms.

Ecohydrological Modeling with Stable Isotopes

Created an ecohydrology stable isotope model to test the two-water-world hypothesis.

Modeling Water Quality in a Suburban Watershed

Tested two spatial statistics approaches to predict in-stream water quality.

Hydrologic Characterization Tool (HCT)

Developing a web-based application to evaluate agricultural best management practices.